Grateful to get to work with clients who trust me on a wide range of jobs.
Not every project makes the website and even less makes the reel, but I still get excited about every new project that hits the inbox.
This is my first showreel in the motion graphics industry and I am so excited to see my upcoming year’s What Hide.
00:05 - 00:08 - Mombi ( Personal )
00:09 - 00:13 - Axel Dengerson ( Personal )
00:12 - 00:25 - Covid ( Dokkan Media Production ) Unreleased
00:25 - 00:26 - Saving Game ( German Sparkulation )
00:26 - 00:30 - Baladna Milk ( The core studios )
00:26 - 00:30 - Dust of History ( Mohammed Islam )
00:26 - 00:30 - Alrowad 02 ( Dokkan media Production ) Unreleased
00:26 - 00:30 - Mario Video Game ( Personal )
00:31 - 00:35 - Seen 02 ( Dokkan media Production )
00:35 - 00:41 - Micro business game ( German Sparkulation )
00:41 - 00:43 - Jarebha ( Dokkan media Production )
00:43 - 00:46 - Alrowad 02 ( Dokkan media Production ) Unreleased
00:46 - 00:48 - Cash fe Tareq ( Dokkan media Production )
00:48 - 00:49 - Faqeh ( Dokkan media Production )